One Month Until I Run with the Marines

I’m only ONE MONTH away from flying to Washington, D.C. to run my 8th marathon. One month!

Today, I dropped down to 12 miles for my weekend long run. I didn’t have anyone to run with today so I hit Sunday Runday. Sunday Runday North is a great group of runners in KC that I don’t usually run with but there’s great water stations along the 8-mile out and back marked course. The first 7 miles flew by. I felt great my pace was great and I was confident this was going to be an awesome run overall.


Then, all of a sudden, I realized nothing looked familiar. CRAP. So, I began to back track. I never did find the corner I missed, but I run into another runner, who directed me to the closest water stop. GREAT. Nope, I was at the 8-mile stop. By this point, I had ran 9 miles and wasn’t prepared to run 8 miles home. I needed 12. My heart was set on 12 miles. I only wanted 12. 17 miles wasn’t in the cards. Not today.

I was chaffing. I was over it and I just wanted to get back to my car. So, I went off course to look for the most direct route home. One problem- I hadn’t the slightest clue where I was and my GPS wouldn’t pick-up. I called my mom… surely she could tell me which way to go by pulling it up on her computer even though she’s 180 miles away. No answer.

Next, my boyfriend…. No answer.

Enter meltdown here.

I quickly started to think of everyone I knew. Surely, SOMEONE could just come pick me up, right?! The few people I know around here were out of town. The meltdown continues…

I got a hold of my mom who was able to direct me towards home and I walked/run back in severe pain, without water. BUT I made it and I enjoyed the rest of the afternoon at the Royals game with a friend (even though I locked my keys in the car AND lost my car in the parking lot—yep, it’s been a day!).

Next weekend, I’ll run my 23-miler and then begin to taper. Tapering is the most difficult part of training for me. During taper I prepare mentally for what’s ahead. I didn’t taper enough for my last marathon and it didn’t end well. I started the race tired and begged my parents to let me in the car at mile 13. It was by far, not an enjoyable race for me. I’m determined to taper as I should this go around.

Lots of foam rolling lately

Lots of foam rolling lately

I’ve been to D.C. a few times, but my mom and 17 year-old brother are going with me and my brother has never been. So, we’ll do the usual monuments and museums, but if you have any recommendations of things to do, please leave them in the comments!

Speedwork on the track this week

Speedwork on the track this week